Spokane entrepreneur Tom Parrish has relaunched a Web-based company that connects businesses with freelance salespeople.
The company, SalesCreed.com, targets sales professionals looking to boost income and small-to-medium businesses wanting to sell products and services anywhere in the world, says Parrish, the SaleCreed.com president and CEO.
Salespeople who use SaleCreed.com post their profiles on the site, enabling business to view their qualifications, he says. Businesses post sales opportunities on SalesCreed.com so sales members can search for sales jobs that interest them.
Companies that use SalesCreed.com save on employee compensation, benefits, and travel expenses associated with an in-house sales force, Parrish claims.
“No overhead means businesses can offer more attractive sales commissions,” he asserts. “Business can increase revenue while only paying for sales performance.”
Parrish says there are 27 million businesses in the U.S. and more than 90 percent of them have zero to five employees.
“A strong majority of businesses are very small, they need a way to get out there and sell goods and services,” he says.
Salescreed.com can help businesses grow sales in specific regions or worldwide, he says. “You can sell goods and services into China without taking on the risk of trying to hire a salesperson in China,” he says. “With SalesCreed.com, you can hire 10 or 20 people in China, and you’re only going to pay when you get an order.”
The same concept also applies to foreign companies looking to establish or increase sales in the U.S., he says.
SalesCreed.com manages invoices and payments and collects fees from businesses equivalent to 10 percent of sales commissions. SalesCreed.com doesn’t charge fees to salespeople.
Parrish first launched SalesCreed.com in 2012, but says he temporarily took it offline for a major site overhaul before relaunching it with a new marketing campaign.
“We’re doing a couple of deals to hook up with customer-relationship-management companies that hope to get a lot of companies to sign up,” he says, adding, “We’re doing a marketing launch to get salespeople on the site.”
SalesCreed.com employs four people, all of whom currently work from home offices, although Parrish says he anticipates SalesCreed.com will occupy commercial office space as it grows.
“We will need digital marketing people and coders as we go forward,” he says. “We’ll eventually have an office in Spokane, and I think we’ll have an office in Seattle for a coding base.”
Parrish launched another startup in 2001, when he and business partner Alan McElroy founded Spokane-based PE Systems LLC, which helps merchants manage credit-card costs through proprietary software. Within five years, the founders sold the majority of that company for more than $10 million.