The Smith-Barbieri Progressive Fund has returned to a normal rate of charitable giving after years of record-breaking philanthropy prompted by the pandemic.
Within financial planning, charitable giving is one of the tools that can be used to help individuals or families reach their financial goals and protect their wealth, writes financial adviser John Graham.
As Eastern Washington University works toward a $100 million goal for its 10-year comprehensive campaign, it’s gearing up for what is hoped to be a record-breaking Giving Joy Day next month.
How many times, especially in the last few years, have you found yourself saying, “I just don’t understand Mr. Market?" asks Wealth manager Tim Mitrovich in a column that explores that question.
A record number of kidney transplants were performed last year at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center, and the medical team expects to exceed that number this year.
Premera Blue Cross's program to help members experiencing mental health distress gain access to providers has shown success in the first two years since launching.
Dining amenities are a top priority at Rockwood Retirement Communities, with constantly changing menus and careful attention paid to residents’ dietary restrictions.
Lilac Plaza and Lilac Terrace, independent-living retirement communities on a shared campus on Spokane’s North Side that cater to lower-income seniors, are in high demand, with lengthy waiting lists for prospective future residents.