In all of the important school, library, and recreation facility projects and improvements being floated in companion bond measures proposed by Spokane Public Schools and the city of Spokane, the issue that's come to the forefront regards the future of Inc. has announced what we already knew-or at a minimum, strongly suspected. Yes, it's building a 2.6 million-square-foot warehouse on the West Plains that's expected to employ more than 1,500 people. Construction crews are moving massive
While the Washington state constitution doesn't allow us to put up the millions of dollars in tax breaks and incentives for private development we're seeing offered by other states and cities to lure economic development, we can celebrate what incenti
Journal of Business reporter Virginia Thomas talks about her story on Share.Farm, a startup that wants to connect farmer's market vendors and consumers through an online marketplace. JoB reporter Samantha Peone discus
A newly passed city ordinance slashing parking requirements for multifamily housing developments is good for developers and anti-sprawl advocates alike, something you can't say often-if ever.
The only criticism is that it might not go far enough.
Self-storage company More Space Spokane LLC, of Spokane, has purchased a roughly 500-unit, 114,000-square-foot storage facility in a building at 104 S. Division. Casey Brazil and Chris Schrieber, both of Kiemle Hagood, handled the transaction.
Obtainable homeownership must become a more central part of the conversation about Spokane's housing challenges. Homeownership is a keystone of the quality of life that we rightfully boast in the Inland Northwest, but it's becoming less attainable for
Home improvement company Spokane Stone Creations LLC has leased a 1,500-square-foot bay in the multitenant facility at 3707 E. Decatur for the company's first commercial location. Doug Byrd and Cassandra Becker, of Byrd Real Estate Group LLC, handled th