Washington State University is in the initial design phase of a 60,000-square-foot Team Health Education building and is anticipating a construction start date of July 2025, depending on funding.
Security wall construction and landscaping is underway for the $73 million Spokane Metro Substation project on the 700 block of Third Avenue in downtown Spokane.
Financial Trex has been offering fee-based financial planning for close to a decade, with a focus on the "sandwich" generation, middle-aged people caring for both parents and children.
HollisterStier Allergy CEO, Kyle Ferguson is passionate about the way immunotherapies can improve peoples lives, and wants to make sure the rest of the country can have access those these medicines, and potentially even bring the company, and Spokane, to the global market.
Insurance rates for property and auto premiums have risen by double digits in the past year, brought on by higher volume of claims, the higher cost to repair and rebuild, and the increased frequency of extreme weather events with significant damage or loss