Washington's housing affordability crisis hurts every corner of the state. We've all heard stories. Nurses and grocery store employees can't afford to live where they work. Young people are priced out of their hometowns. First-time homebuyers
The new year begins during a time of uncertainty and anxiety about the state of the economy, both nationally and at the state level. Inflation has been rising at worrying rates for the last year, driving up costs for consumers and employers.
For decades, Washington has reaped the benefits of forward-thinking leaders who constructed a series of hydroelectric dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers. The low-cost, carbon-free renewable electricity generated by the dams supported thousands of jobs,
Is the U.S. economy headed into a recession? Has inflation peaked? When will the labor market ease?
While economists debate questions like these, it's helpful to hear from the men and women who own and operate businesses throughout Washington state.
Employers across Washington state helped to lead the way out of the COVID-19 pandemic by delivering essential products and services at a time of tremendous need. Over the past two years, we have witnessed the essential role manufacturers play in
Looking back at the 2022 state legislative session, it's hard not to be disappointed at the missed opportunities.
Yes, lawmakers accomplished some things that are good for the economy, like shoring up the unemployment insurance trust fund, lowering
The mountain of money keeps getting bigger. In mid-February, state officials released the latest economic forecast, and it showed revenue up again, this time to the tune of $2.8 billion. That's on top of multiple previous forecasts showing strong growth
When the Legislature convened the 2022 session last month, lawmakers made long-term care their first order of business.
Amid an outcry from employees and employers calling for an overhaul or repeal of the program, lawmakers quickly passed, and Gov.
After two years of COVID-19, many Washington families and small businesses could use a break. Fortunately, the Washington Legislature has the means to help.
Ten months after the arrival of the coronavirus in Washington, the Legislature is convening for a new legislative session amid a pandemic that will shape every aspect of the session, from the way lawmakers conduct business (over computer screens instead