If you've ever had trouble finding your car keys, you understand what economic stimulus is all about.After searching unsuccessfully through every logical nook and cranny of your home, in desperation you begin to cast your eyes anywhere and You a
Get over it. Move ahead.That's the tough-love prescription for investors debilitated by the economic and financial downturn. Yesterday's gone, so deal realistically with the world before you.As you begin to rebuild your savings and take a and
The huffing and puffing throughout 2008 about shrewd investment maneuvers to be well-positioned for a new U.S. president have vanished into thin air.From the economy to financial institutions to international terrorism, many of President-elect a
This holiday shopping season offers an unusual half-price sale for investors: the stocks of most of the retailers.Even some of the proudest brand names are suffering due to the nation's reduced personal wealth, tight consumer lending, and job be
Under the mattress, in the cookie jar, or buried in the backyard were common hiding places for cash in less sophisticated times.Today, the sophistication level is higher, but the fear of losing money is every bit as real.Cash investments, as
Brutal market activity has ravaged the ranks of blue-chip stocks.As newcomers enter this fraternity of reliable national performers, some of the old guard has lost its membership altogether while others are capitalizing on the financial virtues
"Time, time, time, see what's become of me," sang Simon and Garfunkel in 1966 (and the Bangles in 1987), "while I looked around for my possibilities."Time and possibilities are a jumble in the 2008 investment world, but looking ahead rather than