Spokane County's multifamily market is shifting from one extreme of being underbuilt to one of oversaturation with more new units on the market in 2024 contributing to higher vacancy rates than last year.
Spokane-based manufacturers have increased their workforces steadily, bucking national trends for automation, and investing further in growth and expansion.
The roughly 7,000 square feet of unused office space at the Lolo Lofts in downtown Spokane's west end are being converted into seven loft-style apartments.
Lisa Gardner, president of the NAACP, didn't have leadership or advocacy aspirations but was nevertheless compelled by the legacy of her grandmother to continue her work.
Phillips S. Baker Jr., longtime CEO at Coeur d’Alene-based Hecla Mining Co., has retired and Catherine J. “Cassie” Boggs, the company’s current board chair, has been named interim CEO.