Gold Reserve has raised over $50 million as it waits to hear the results of a court-ordered auction of a U.S.-based oil refiner wholly owned by the Venezuelan government.
After 40 years of leading a design studio that has developed over 500 logos and branding campaigns, Rick Hosmer is settling into retirement and looking back at his career.
Plastic Surgery Northwest PLLC is stitching together the finishing touches of an extensive 21-month-long renovation project that's scheduled to be completed this month.
Ukrainian Closet is expanding its programming and creating a path for more inclusion in its third year of operation, despite consecutive setbacks that have impacted the supply of resources for refugees.
Some downtown Spokane property owners say they are contending with higher costs to provide security services, leading to frustration in addition to the growing costs of regular operating expenses.
Washington State University’s Steve Gleason Institute for Neuroscience has become a leading center for helping clients and their families with neurodegenerative diseases in the Inland Northwest and beyond.