Clint and Brenda Grassel, founders of Precision Cutting Technologies Inc., in Liberty Lake, have sold their business to a Washington state-based private equity company that they say will continue operations under the Precision name and expand the business
Fig. 1 Patents PLLC, a Spokane-based patent preparation law firm, is expanding its expertise into pharmaceuticals with the hiring of Scott Chapple.
Chapple says he started working at Fig. 1 on Jan. 29.
Six petitions seeking to invalidate patent claims of Coeur d'Alene-based additive manufacturer Continuous Composites Inc. have been denied, and a seventh is set to be reviewed in November.
That yet-to-be-resolved issue will occur ahead of a trial
Husband-and-wife entrepreneurs Devin and Rebecca Miller have made a new home in Spokane to both raise their family and grow their businesses and professional careers after moving from Western Washington in April.
The startup ecosystem here, particularly relating to software and information technology, has benefitted from the emergence of remote and hybrid work, making way for Spokane-based companies to draw on talent from anywhere in the world, some entrepreneurs
Key Tronic Corp. is on the receiving end of a tenfold increase in contract-bidding opportunities as many companies-prompted by production delays, rising costs, and tensions with China-are pulling business out of that country and bringing it back to
Spokane based-Tahoe Network Infrastructure LLC, a fiber optic investment company focused on providing broadband internet service to underserved communities, has acquired E-Vergent, a Wisconsin regional fiber and fixed wireless provider, for $11.2 million.
Gameplan Apps, an app-creation startup with ties to the Inland Northwest, has garnered a $500,000 equity investment from Cowles Ventures LLC and Kick-Start angel investment fund, both of Spokane.
Jason Boudreau, owner of Spokane Valley-based Drive509 commercial truck driving school, has launched two software companies that are garnering attention within the trucker training world.