Discussing finances with family members may not be anyone's favorite conversation, but it's a topic that can't be ignored. Delaying or simply not having conversations about the transfer of wealth might leave families unprepared and in a dramatically
n 1996, Dr. Thomas J. Stanley published his New York Times best-selling book, 'The Millionaire Next Door.†The book shattered the commonly held beliefs of the wealthy in America.
Stanley used extensive research to reveal the secrets of the wealthy
150-unit downtown facility gets praise from residents
December 3, 2015
The associate director for seniors and housing for Catholic Charities says every low-income apartment complex here owned by that nonprofit organization has greater demand than it can accommodate, which she believes it is a reflection of the continuous nee
It's the time of year again here in investment land where you're trying to make sense of the year just passed while also trying to determine how to be successful in the year ahead.
The year 2015 had an unusually long period of the S&P 500 Index tradi
When was the last time you went to the store and bought only the items on your list-no gum, no extra accessories, no new movies? Have you thought about how much money you have saved for retirement, or a rainy day? Would you rather live in the moment or
The new federal budget contains a cut to Social Security benefits that could limit options for baby boomers close to retirement-and everybody who follows them.
Hidden in the budget bill is a change to Social Security that eliminates file-and-suspend ru
Melissa Williams, owner of Star Financial & Insurance Services Inc., says getting people to talk about money is a difficult and often emotional process.
'Finances are very personal and stir up all kinds of emotions,†says Williams. 'That's why
The Washington Employment Security Department says job seekers receiving unemployment benefits in the state now can access certain information about their claims on their computers or mobile devices.
Homeschooling is becoming somewhat more common in the Spokane area, advocates here say. Data aren't available for homeschooling in North Idaho, but homeschooling supporters there are a passionate, close-knit and growing group as well, proponents say.