Marian Durkin is retiring after 15 years at Avista Corp., where she helped to build its legal and compliance departments from the ground up.
Durkin was born on the East Coast, and she says she's been working her way westward ever since.
Two years ago, when he lived in Denver, running and hiking enthusiast Evan Purcell arrived home from work, threw on his workout gear, leashed his dog Bode, and the two went for an evening run.
The near inseparable pair were so eager to see each other
Now is Share.Farm's time to shine, Vince Peak says.
The founder and CEO of the 2-year-old online farm-to-consumer market says the COVID-19 pandemic has presented as many opportunities for Share.Farm as it has challenges.
Having seen some of the financial challenges college students face, two recent Gonzaga University graduates have built a business that helps collegians generate income by taking on mundane tasks that homeowners don't want to mess with themselves.
The federal tax filing deadline extension has created additional stress for Spokane accountants.
As the new July 15 deadline approaches, many clients have put off filing until the last minute, and some CPAs here say that has created a bottleneck of work
Washington state is now encouraging higher adoptions of solar energy systems in homebuilding as part of its drive to eliminate fossil fuel-generated electricity from the grid.
As a financial adviser, I have obtained a variety of industry licenses and designations. However, before becoming an adviser, I earned a master's degree in history from Eastern Washington University.
Hundreds of our fellow citizens stepped up to run for elected office during the recent candidate filing week. From local to federal positions, this is an example of our representative democracy at its finest.