Spokane-based technology company Urbanova and Washington State University's College of Nursing have partnered to design the mobile application, U-Track, to help mitigate and reduce health risks to young adults with asthma during wildfire events.
It seems I learn daily about a friend or client who is choosing to make an impactful choice in their lives.
This pandemic has brought about a massive wave of people making changes in their careers, quitting or retiring from their jobs, changing homes
Guardian Angel Homes, a family-owned and operated retirement community established in Liberty Lake in 2003, plans to launch next month a new program designed to help slow cognitive decline.
The program, called Enhance Protocol, will be available to all
It is not the good times that define a person, but the tough times and how one chooses to react.
The same can be said for the market and how we respond in the bad times. As I write this, we've seen the Nasdaq retreat about 14% year-to-date hitting
When the Legislature convened the 2022 session last month, lawmakers made long-term care their first order of business.
Amid an outcry from employees and employers calling for an overhaul or repeal of the program, lawmakers quickly passed, and Gov.
Proposed public safety policies developed by the Downtown Spokane Partnership should be offered by the organization and received by city policymakers in a spirit of collaboration, in order to keep the city's core safe and clean, despite some potential
Project update:
•Tenant improvements will begin this month for the Spokane office of BDO USA LLC, an accounting and advisory firm leasing 7,650 square feet of office space on the ninth floor of the Bank of America building, at 601 W. Riverside downto
Some Spokane organizations have formed the Business Equity Coalition of the Inland Northwest to focus on bringing resources to multi-ethnic businesses and other disadvantaged business groups.
Sandy Williams, executive director for the Carl Maxey Center
While turnover remains a challenge for businesses, workforce participation data shows employees are entering the labor market in greater numbers than those who quit, an indication that Spokane has recovered from the great resignation wave reported through
Holman Gardens Retirement Community has endured recent hard times through creativity and flexibility, administrator Linda Hubble says.
Most recently, employees at the 96-unit facility have been cross-trained in culinary duties in order to cover staffing