Kaspien Holdings Inc. and its CEO, Kunal Chopra, have parted ways, and the Spokane Valley-based e-commerce company has named Chief Financial Officer Brock Kowalchuk as interim CEO.
The mountain of money keeps getting bigger. In mid-February, state officials released the latest economic forecast, and it showed revenue up again, this time to the tune of $2.8 billion. That's on top of multiple previous forecasts showing strong growth
A regional approach to tourism promotion is the most effective way to attract visitors and events. It's with that in mind that the Journal encourages the Spokane Valley City Council to take steps to keep the Tourism Promotion Area intact, as is.
It can feel pretty uncomfortable reviewing your investments when, after a few years of pretty good markets, all of a sudden you've got higher inflation coming into play, interest rates starting to move up, and now, add aggressive Russians all combining
This year has opened with a bang, with so much challenging news between inflation and the economic drama, a worldwide pandemic, and now, a war in Ukraine.
None of us can escape the updates on negative news. Investors are currently on a wild ride watching
After running a successful manufacturing company in Spokane for nearly three decades, Muriel and Burke Blevins stepped away with a desire to impact the community meaningfully.
Recognizing the challenge of rising college tuition coupled with the hardships
Spokane Valley-based manufacturer Baxter Performance is expanding its line of automotive oil filter adaptors to be placed in car dealerships and service garages for retail sales.
Kevin Baxter, president of Baxter Performance says of the move:
Spokane Valley-based Healthcare Resource Group Inc. has been acquired by Computer Programs & Systems Inc., a health care company based in Mobile, Alabama.
Computer Programs & Systems, which does business as CPSI, announced the acquisition in a press
As business owners and employees at businesses in the Spokane area, you are busy balancing your work and family life while at the same time trying to keep an eye on the issues that impact you. There are so many issues coming out of local governments and