Following brisk sales of its modestly priced homes in Kendall Yards northwest of downtown Spokane, Liberty Lake-based developer Greenstone Corp. plans next to build 10 higher-priced homes, which would include four upscale townhouse units and six custom-built single-family homes.
That high-end portion of the development, called CityView, will overlook the Spokane River gorge and downtown Spokane. Some of the custom houses might exceed $1 million in value, says Jim Frank, Greenstone's CEO.
Lot prices for the six planned single-family homes in the CityView section of the Kendall Yards development are listed from $175,000 to $325,000, and the lots range in size from 4,400 square feet to 8,100 square feet, Frank says. Greenstone also will construct the homes.
Frank says Greenstone will work with buyers on custom design plans, and he expects the single-family homes in CityView will have more than 2,000 square feet of living space, although he's not expecting homes to reach the 4,000-square-foot range.
"People interested in living in Kendall Yards are moving down in size," he says.
Floor plans already are drawn up for the CityView townhome units, which are to be constructed on the bluff just east of Elm Street and west of the single-family home lots, Frank says. The townhomes there will be priced from $375,000 to $395,000, and floor plans include 2,400 square feet of living space in each unit.
The CityView houses and townhomes would be the first residences in Kendall Yards to be erected south of a recently constructed section of Summit Parkway, which bisects the planned 78-acre urban village, he says.
Over the last 14 months, Greenstone has sold nearly all of the 42 homes—mostly townhouse units priced from $120,000 to $200,000—it has marketed in a two-block area north of Summit Parkway, south of Bridge Avenue, east of Elm Street, and west of Oak Street, he says.
Including the CityView area, the homes completed and currently under development in Kendall Yards represent most of the first phase of six envisioned residential phases in the Kendall Yards development.
Frank says Greenstone likely will begin work on the first homes in the second residential phase, which will be west of Elm Street, by late summer. That phase will include 50 residential units, many priced at under $200,000 each, he says.
In all, Greenstone's 15-year development plans envision 1,000 living units, 800 of which would be west of Maple Street. Plans for Kendall Yards also include about 600,000 square feet of commercial space, most of which would be in the district between Maple and Monroe streets.