Halme Construction Inc., of Davenport, Wash., has been awarded a $2 million contract to replace water transmission mains and water lines on Spokane's lower South Hill.
The project involves improvements along stretches of Eighth and Ninth avenues between Division and Hatch streets in the area east of Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center & Children's Hospital.
Construction is expected to begin later this month and to be completed in early November.
Ann Deasy, a city spokeswoman, says the project will involve replacing or installing 8-inch to 12-inch water lines and 18-inch to 42-inch water transmission mains.
All streets in the construction zone will receive some repairs and upgrades as part of the project, including installation of Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant curb ramps, storm water drainage upgrades, and improvements to sidewalks, Deasy says.
She says a new stairway and handrails will be installed and landscaping improvements will be made on Chandler Street between Ninth and Eighth avenues.
Sewer system work will also take place on Eighth Avenue between Chandler and Hatch streets including new side sewer services where required, Deasy says.
Deasy says funding for the project is being provided by the city water department through its capital improvement fund and water rates.