Wenatchee-based Selland Construc-tion Inc. is the apparent low bidder on a Washington state Department of Transportation project to construct a new interchange on U.S. Highway 195 at Cheney-Spokane Road, about two miles south of the Interstate 90-U.S. 195 junction.
Al Gilson, Spokane-based spokesman for the state Department of Transportation, says the DOT is planning a diamond interchange, which is the kind of interchange found at most off-ramps along Interstate 90.
Selland Construction's project estimate came in at $6.4 million, almost $2 million under an engineer's estimate of $8.3 million.
Gilson says a construction time line, including a start date, hasn't been set yet, but the new interchange is expected to take about five months to complete.
The new interchange's design will eliminate all left turning traffic and cross traffic, Gilson says, using instead an overpass and on- and off-ramps.