Newman Lake, Wash.-based contractor William Winkler Co. is the apparent low bidder on a $1.2 million Washington state Department of Transportation project to construct a roundabout near the Interstate 90-Liberty Lake westbound exit, says DOT spokesman Al Gilson.
The roundabout will be located at the intersection of Harvard Road and Mission Avenue, where the westbound off-ramp turns into Mission and westbound traffic can turn left to go into Liberty Lake, he says.
Work by the contractor also will include roadway excavation, and minor road approach changes to accommodate the roundabout, as well as drainage and storm-water upgrades, sign and light installation, and new curbs, sidewalks and ramps to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act standards, he says.
Plans on file with the DOT show the contractor will construct a 124-foot diameter roundabout, landscaped medians, and colored concrete crosswalks on the north and west sides of the intersection.
The traffic impact won't be clear until after the contract is awarded, Gilson says.
The bid submitted by William Winkler came in above the engineer's estimate of $1.1 million. Spokane Valley-based Cameron-Reilly LLC also submitted a bid, according to a DOT bid report.
Gilson says the project will be paid for through the federal surface transportation program and with city of Liberty Lake transportation mitigation funds.
A construction timeline will be shored up once the project is awarded, Gilson says, but the project contract estimates it will take 45 working days to complete.