Trindera Engineering Inc., a Coeur d'Alene-based provider of electrical and control system engineering and consulting services, has opened an office in downtown Spokane.
On Aug. 1, Trindera Engineering began operating its Spokane office in a leased 3,000-square-foot space at 221 W. Main. The nearly 10-year-old company, headquartered at 1875 N. Lakewood in Coeur d'Alene, serves municipal, industrial, and commercial clients in 10 western U.S. states and Canada.
Although Trindera long has provided services for Spokane clients from its North Idaho location, the company's recent growth in both projects and employee hiring prompted the need to open a second Inland Northwest office, says Taryn Erickson, Trindera's business development director.
Separately, the company recently won a three-year, $20 million job for an international client, involving work on the electrical and instrumentation system of a large material-handling project at an open pit mine in Alberta, Canada, Erickson says. She declines to disclose the client's name.
Erickson says Trindera has hired seven employees in the past six months to boost its total workforce to 30, with 10 employees working full time in Spokane. The firm plans continued growth, including expanding its services and its geographic reach, she says.
"Our goal is to continue to grow local talent while working in both the Inland Northwest and beyond," she says.
Some jobs in which the firm is or has been involved with include Spokane International Airport projects, a Spokane city gateway lighting design, Spokane Falls Boulevard street enhancements, and work on Huntington Park revitalization, near Avista Utilities' Post Street substation.
Trindera also has worked on projects here for Kaiser Aluminum Corp., as well for a variety of banks, retail spaces, restaurants, commercial spaces, and higher education facilities.