Spokane Airports has awarded Spokane-based Graham Construction & Management Inc. a $1.6 million contract for a parking operations garage at Spokane International Airport.
Work is set to begin this month.
The garage is expected to include about 6,400 square feet of floor space and is designed for storing shuttle and snow removal vehicles. ALSC Architects PS, of Spokane, is the project’s architect.
The new building will be located adjacent to and north of a current parking operations building, which is located in the airport’s outside parking area on the west side of campus.
Airport spokesman Todd Woodard says the airport’s other planned summer project, the construction of a $2 million gas station and convenience store, is expected to go to bid this July. The project will include construction of a convenience store with fuel pumps, fast food service, possibly a car wash, and the relocation of the existing cell phone waiting lot adjacent to the convenience store site.
The site is at 2918 South Flint Road, just north of the airport’s long-term parking lot.
The project’s location will necessitate the construction of an access road, and deceleration lanes for both inbound and outbound Airport Drive.