Spokane Community College has begun a $1.9 million remodeling project, creating a combined counseling and tutoring center in what formerly was its woodshop space.
The SCC campus is located at 1810 N Greene. The project will take place in the Old Main Building on the south side of the campus, along Mission Avenue.
The college has chosen Spokane-based Leone & Keeble Inc. as the general contractor for the project, which is about one month into construction.
Chris Collins, a project manager for Leone & Keeble, says the project will convert 12,300 square feet of space in the building’s northeast corner into additional offices and classroom space.
“We expect to complete the project before school begins again in September,” Collins says.
Clint Brown, director of capital projects for the Community Colleges of Spokane, says the project will expand the space, which formerly housed the campus’ carpentry and cabinetry program, combining the counseling and tutoring programs in one area.
“Currently there are four or five different locations on campus for student counseling and tutoring areas,” he says. “This new space is a way of consolidating those programs into a one-stop resource for students to receive assistance with program planning and tutoring needs.”
Brown says the carpentry and cabinetry program has been discontinued, so the woodshop area is no longer needed.
He says the new space will feature a combined main entrance and reception desk, with glass windows for a storefront look. The space then will branch off into two separate entrances, one for the tutoring side and one for the counseling side, which he says will include both academic and personal counseling services.
“We want this to be a friendly space with resources to help students realize their full academic potential,” Brown says. “That means offering a full range of counseling services for all of our students.”