Stay Alfred, the nationwide urban vacation rental company based here, says its full-time employees will receive stock options in the 6-year-old company.
In an August 31 press release, the company said the offerings are expected to create “future ownership in the company for the people who helped make its meteoric rise a possibility.”
Stay Alfred CEO Jordan Allen describes the options program as both an acknowledgment of the hard work employees have already put in, as well as a demonstration of the company’s continuing commitment to them.
“In order to achieve the growth trajectory we have planned, it’s necessary for every employee to act like an owner,” he says. “What better way to do that than by actually giving them the opportunity to be one.”
Founded in 2011, Stay Alfred is a privately-owned company that employs 100 people, roughly 75 of whom work from its headquarters here at 123 E. Sprague.
Last year, the business generated $25.2 million in revenue from its rentals in Seattle, Portland, San Diego, Denver, Dallas, San Antonio, New Orleans, Memphis, Nashville, Philadelphia, Boston, and Washington, D.C.
This year it added rental accommodations in Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, and Houston.
While Allen declined to disclose the company’s revenue growth so far this year, he did say it’s actively working to expand into additional markets both here and internationally.
“As our footprint across the United States and potentially internationally grows, we will continue to add employees to our headquarters in Spokane as well as the supporting market,” he says.