A new Enterprise Rent-a-Car office has opened at 41 W. Third. The property is owned by TRW Development & Management, which is leasing it to Enterprise.
TRW spokesman Tom Wilkening says Enterprise decided to move its offices from 3 W. Third to the newly remodeled space, which previously was occupied by a Subway restaurant and Edible Arrangements.
Wilkening says Enterprise has signed a long-term lease for the property, which includes 31,000 square feet of parking space, and a 3,100-square-foot main office building.
“TRW remodeled the property, and Ball Construction built a 1,700-square-foot car wash designed for Enterprise’s use,” he says. “Enterprise opened Jan. 4, and currently has about six employees.”
Wilkening says the company chose to rent the property to Enterprise rather than as another eatery, because it lost its appeal as a restaurant site.
“It’s a popular location with good access to the freeway, but it just wasn’t working out as a restaurant venue” he says.