Building Connections That Count: Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Inland Northwest will host a networking event.
40th Annual Wine Taste and Auction: Hospice of North Idaho will host its annual wine taste and auction fundraiser. Raffle prizes include a trip to London.
Leadership Lights the Way Gala: Leadership Spokane fundraising event will benefit Leadership Spokane through both silent in-person and online auctions.
Email Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Business Growth: Score webinar will cover strategies to elevate email marketing, including growing subscriber list and developing compelling content.
Governor’s Address 2025: Coeur d’Alene Regional Chamber of Commerce will host a luncheon with Idaho Gov. Brad Little discussing current and future initiatives.
Spokane Valley Job Fair: JobFairX will host a virtual job and career fair for attendees to connect and interview with employers.
Small Business Success I: The Women’s Business Center event will cover an introduction to workshops for small businesses.
Health Care Leadership Forum: The Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce event will feature a panel of regional health care leaders addressing health care topics impacting the community.
Marketing Strategy for Profit: Idaho Small Business Development Center event will cover the basics to creating a good foundation for marketing success.
Liberty Lake Women in Business Luncheon: Liberty Lake Women in Business will host a networking event for women who want to grow their business and build lasting relationships.
Tax and Business Basics for Self-Employed: Idaho State Tax Commission webinar will cover Idaho tax permits, Idaho sales tax, the latest in Idaho resources, and information to succeed in being self-employed in Idaho.
Strategies and Tips for Outsourcing for Small Business Owners: Score webinar will cover how to outsource important tasks to freelancers using online platforms, including Fiverr, Upwork, and Guru.
Speed Networking: Burbity Workspaces networking event will provide attendees the opportunity to connect with innovators and industry collaborators in an accelerated fashion.
Sip, Sample, & Savor: The Hayden Chamber of Commerce will host its annual networking event Sip, Sample, & Savor. The event includes wine tastings paired with charcuterie.
Business Mastermind & Networking: Network In Action networking event will provide attendees the opportunity to connect with business owners and decision makers.
Bookkeeping Basics for Small Business Owners: Score webinar will cover bookkeeping basics for small business owners, including setting up a system and accurately tracking income and expenses.
Your Business Journey: SNAP event will cover the basics of starting a business.
Conventions and Events