Computer Basics and Job Search Workshop: Idaho Department of Labor course will cover creating a professional email account, how to apply for jobs online, and how to create Word documents for resumes and cover letters.
Mastering Shopify for Small Business Owners: Score webinar will cover the basics of e-commerce and how to set up a Shopify account.
Networking, Business, & Connections: Hayden Chamber of Commerce networking event will host business consultant Michael Holstein, who will present 10 proven strategies to empower business and boost profitability.
Spokane Job Fair: TechnologyX will host a virtual job and career fair for attendees to connect and interview with employers.
Ignite Talks with James Connelly: Ignite Talks event will feature James Connelly, CEO of Spokane-based My Green Lab, for a business networking event.
ESD Self-Employment Assistance Program Orientation: WorkSource online event will introduce the Self-Employment Assistance Program that includes entrepreneurial counseling and business coaching through a preapproved provider.
Executech | SCW Client Appreciation Event: Executech | SCW will host a networking and appreciation night with small bites and cotton candy.
Business is a Numbers Game: ActionCOACH Northwest will host an online webinar discussing the essential techniques for understanding profit and loss statements, lead generation, and conversion rates.
Effective Resumes and Cover Letters: WorkSource webinar and in-person event will cover the basics of resumes and cover letters.
The Five Best Pricing Methods: Score webinar will cover how to choose the best pricing strategy for a business. The online course will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each pricing method and demonstrate which method is best for each type of business.
Business Connection Lunch: Network in Action will host a networking event for business owners to connect and network.
2025 Ecomonic Forecast: Greater Spokane Incorporated, US Bank, and supporting partners will host the 27th annual Economic Forecast on local, national, and international economies from three premier economists. Breakfast is included.
Agent Training Day: Real Estate Academy of Washington event will cover introduction to relocation, seller process, and listing forms.
West Plains Business Resource Sessions: West Plains Chamber of Commerce event will feature Ted Schmidt, a business coach from ActionCOACH Northwest, discussing six steps to build a business.