Resumes and Cover Letters – Job Hunter Virtual Workshop: WorkSource webinar will teach attendees how to create a resume and cover letter that attracts employers.
WA Real Estate Fair Housing: Real Estate Academy of Washington will host a three-hour class intended to engage brokers in understanding and preventing housing discrimination.
Spokane Career Fair: The Recruiting Network will host a career fair with human resources teams from local and Fortune 500 companies. Representation includes health care, retail, engineering, education, and more. Registered attendees will be provided a list of open positions and attending companies five days prior to the hiring event.
How to Earn Royalties and Expand Your Market Through Strategic Licensing: Score webinar will feature Brian Fried, known as “The Inventor Coach,” discussing the key elements of product and brand licensing, understanding the process, and providing a roadmap to revenue growth.
Trending Tuesdays x Fellow Coworking: Trending Northwest event will provide an opportunity to network with other professionals.
Growth Strategies Unlocked: Maximizing Opportunity, Minimizing Risk: West Plains Chamber of Commerce will feature Profectus Business Consulting for an immersive workshop designed to help identify and capitalize on high-potential opportunities while managing risk.
Coffee and Concepts: Innovation Collective will host a meeting where professionals can come together and talk about the latest local and global technology and business news.
Your Business Journey: Get Started!: The Women’s Business Center Inland Northwest webinar will cover the basics of starting a new company, including creating a business plan, where to find market research, the importance of developing a cash flow projection, and more.
Mamas in Business Speed Networking Event: North Idaho Mamas in Business will provide attendees the opportunity to connect, collaborate, and grow business at a speed networking event.
Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses – Basics and Latest Trends: Score webinar will feature marketing expert Patty Ross discussing social media marketing and the latest trends.
Jumpstart – Unlocking Grants for Small Businesses: A Beginner’s Workshop: Greater Spokane Incorporated will host InteGrant, a Spokane-based grant writing firm, discussing how to locate, apply for, and strengthen grant applications.
Leadership Committee: Coeur d’Alene Regional Chamber event will acquaint and equip potential Coeur d’Alene leaders with tools for leadership.
West Plains Connect - After Hours Networking with the Shriner’s Event Center and Nectar Catering: West Plains Chamber of Commerce will host an evening of networking for businesses.
Lunch n’ Learn: Networking/Cybersecurity and Your Business: SCW | Executech event will cover cybersecurity and the increasing need to protect businesses against hacking, phishing, and ransomware.
Youth Business Market: Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Walmart, BECU, and the city of Spokane Valley, will host an event for youth in kindergarten through 12th grade. Participants will be challenged to develop their own brand, create a product or service, devise a marketing strategy, and sell to real customers at an outdoor marketplace.
Workplace Mental Health and the Role of Managers and Supervisors: Inland Northwest Society for Human Resource Management online program will explore the critical role of managers in supporting workers’ mental health and responding to signs of mental health issues, such as stress, burnout, depression, and anxiety.
Your Business Journey: Funding Your Business: The Women’s Business Center Inland Northwest will cover types of funding available, myths about lending, the importance of a clear business plan, financial projections, and more.
Thrive Together – Local Business Mastermind & Networking Event: Network In Action networking event will provide attendees the opportunity to connect and collaborate with business owners and decision makers.
Small, Minority and Women-Owned Business Certification Workshop: Washington State Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise event will guide attendees through the certification process, opening doors to government contracts and other business opportunities.
What’s Brewing: Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce networking event will feature a presentation from a featured speaker followed by networking.