Central Valley School District plans to begin a $10.5 million renovation of Greenacres Middle School, in the Spokane Valley, next spring.
Design work on the project is half done, and the project will go to bid in May or June, says Dave Jackman, director of auxiliary services for the district. He expects construction to be completed by the end of next summer.
The project will reshape the 34-year-old schools two dozen pie-shaped classrooms into rectangular rooms and will update the schools wiring to accommodate new technology, Jackman says.
The school is in an age range where structurally its fine, but its technology distributions and ability to meet present-day codes isnt what it could be, he says.
The school currently has 87,000 square feet of floor space, and that wont change. The building is arranged in six pods of four classrooms and a common area. Space from those common areas will be used to expand classrooms, Jackman says.
ALSC Architects PS, of Spokane, is designing the renovation.
About 600 students in grades six through eight attend the school, located at 17409 E. Sprague.
Funding for the project comes from a $22 million reimbursement from the state, which is linked to the $78 million bond voters passed in 1998 to build two new high schools, which opened this fall.
The reimbursement is also covering the cost of two $4.5 million renovation projects at elementary schools. Work on those projects is scheduled to be complete before the start of the next school year.