The city of Hayden, Idaho, has received six preliminary annexation proposals covering a total of 850 acres in area already this year, but wont hold public hearings on the requests until it completes transportation and sewer master plans that are under way.
The city started the transportation plan in November and began the sewer plan earlier this month, and the two plans are expected to be wrapped up in October, says Lisa Key, Haydens community development director.
Its essential for us to have our arms around the citys needs for transportation and sewer, she says.
The six new annexation proposals are in addition to a request to annex 618 acres at Hayden Canyon that was filed in December 2004 by Hayden TND LLC, of Spokane, and became highly controversial. That proposal was the subject of a public hearing in November before the citys planning and zoning commission, which recommended that the City Council deny the request. Key says the development would have an extensive infrastructure impact on the city, that additional information was requested from the applicant, and that the next step in the annexation process for Hayden Canyon is for the applicant to request a public hearing before the City Council.
If all these proposals for annexation are approved, they could provide housing for an additional 8,500 people once they are built out, says Key. And that doesnt give any consideration to development within the city, which is going like wildfire. Hayden currently has about 13,000 residents.
The six recent annexation proposals came in in a pack, says Key, and others have been discussed and not yet formally proposed.
The annexation proposals made this year are from:
Copper Basin Inc., of Hayden, which proposed the annexation of 240 acres near the northeast corner of Hayden Avenue and Huetter Road. Its says it wants to build about 575 housing units.
Bluegrass Development LLC, of Coeur dAlene, and four adjacent landowners have proposed the annexation of 275 acres stretching from the southeast corner of Hayden and Huetter to the northeast corner of Prairie Avenue and Huetter. Bluegrass has proposed developing 118 acres at a density of one unit per acre, and the four other applicants jointly proposed the developement of another 157 acres at the same density.
Hayden Village LLC, of Hayden, has proposed the annexation of 92 acres north of Lancaster Road and west of U.S. 195, but not abutting U.S. 195. Its plans to develop about 300 housing units
K & S Development LLC, of Hayden, has proposed the annexation of 154 acres just west of and adjacent to the Hayden Village project on Lancaster. Its hopes to develop about 580 housing units.
Rosenberger Construction LLC, of Hayden, has proposed the annexation of 65 acres north of where Rocking R Road meets Buckles Road, between Strahorn Road and Government Way. Its plan is to develop about 200 housing units.
John Meredith, of Hayden, has proposed the annexation of 12 acres on the northwest corner of Wyoming Avenue and Maple Street. His proposes to develop about 60 housing units.
David Evans & Associates Inc., of Spokane, is handling the citys transportation study, and Welch Comer Engineers Inc., of Coeur dAlene, began the sewer study last week, says Key.
Key says the proposed Hayden Canyon project would include about 1,800 residential units, as much as 125,00 square feet of commercial space, a community center, and parks.
Contact Rocky Wilson at (509) 344-1264 or via e-mail at rockyw@spokanejournal.com.