Red Diamond Construction Inc., of Spokane Valley, has been awarded a $2 million contract by the city of Spokane to reconstruct 37th Avenue between Regal and Perry streets on Spokane's South Hill.
The project along that well-traveled 1-mile stretch of 37th is expected to begin around the middle of July and to be completed in mid-October, says city spokeswoman Ann Deasy.
Red Diamond will do what's called a full-depth curb-to-curb rehabilitation, removing and replacing the aging pavement along that arterial, she says.
The project will include installing new curbs and sidewalks between Crestline and Mount Vernon streets, and replacing the water transmission mains beneath the arterial between Regal and Perry.
During the work, traffic will be rerouted to 57th Avenue via Regal Street on the east side of the project and via Grand Boulevard, 43rd Avenue, and Hatch Road on the west side of the project.