Spokane business and civic leaders have formed a political action committee they call the Inland Northwest Coalition, or INC, to identify, support, and advise pro-business candidates for office.
John Pilcher, a real estate developer and chairman of INC, says he got involved out of concern about who was looking out for business interests in local campaigns.
Pilcher says INC's steering committee determined after much discussion that it would be nonpartisan in its selection of candidates to assist. The coalition's only criteria is that those candidates "generally understand the value of supporting a strong, healthy business climate" and want to create jobs in the community.
The two candidates INC is supporting in the 2009 fall campaign are incumbent Spokane City Council members Mike Allen and Nancy McLaughlin. Pilcher says both candidates have private-business experience and pro-business voting records on the City Council.
INC will support local campaigns by providing office space, offering fundraising strategies and donor-list management, and giving political advice. Pilcher says some members of the political action committee have extensive experience in running campaigns, fundraising, and local politics, and can offer valuable information to candidates.
"We don't channel money to campaigns—that's not the point," Pilcher says.
Lisa Paolino serves as the executive director of INC, the only paid position at present. Bob Wrigley is the treasurer. The steering committee also includes Catherine Brazil, Katy Bruya, David Condon, Robin Corkery, Frankie DeWitt, Tamera Kennedy, Alethea McCann, and Joel White. Other Spokane business leaders serve as members-at-large.
Funding for the group's overhead expenses has come mostly from donations within the group and through word-of-mouth. Candidates also pay a small portion of INC's overhead in exchange for the services it provides.