Spokane and Post Falls contractors are the low bidders for two separate Washington state Department of Transportation projects worth a combined about $2.6 million and involving U.S. 195 south of Pullman, Wash., and U.S. 395 north of Spokane.
Poe Asphalt Paving Inc., of Post Falls, submitted a bid of $2 million, for a repaving job on U.S. 195 between the Washington-Idaho state line and Colton, Wash., about 14 miles south of Pullman. The work includes repairing or replacing the pavement along that 8.6-mile stretch of highway, as well as installing concrete sidewalk ramps, curbs, rumble strips, guideposts, guardrails, and signs along various portions of the route.
DOT spokesman Al Gilson says the project is being paid for with funds made available from the federal stimulus package of 2009, largely because of cost savings from the current highly competitive bid environment. Gilson says a work schedule hasn't been set yet, but the project is expected to take about 40 working days and could begin in late April.
Meanwhile, Frank Gurney Inc., of Spokane, is the apparent low bidder, with a bid of $542,000, for a DOT contract to install a center median barrier on U.S. 395 between the Wandermere Golf Course area and Half Moon Road. Concrete barriers will be used where the median lacks the width needed for the high-tension cable barrier that will be used in most of the project, Gilson says. That project is expected to take about 25 working days.