Spokane Journal of Business

Cargile submits apparent low bid for Felts project

Work part of three-phase, $5.4 million rehab effort at airport in east Spokane

November 8, 2012

Spokane Valley contractor L&L Cargile Inc. has submitted the apparent low bid of $4 million for the planned second and third phases of an ongoing aviation ramp rehabilitation project at Felts Field Airport.

The Spokane Airport Board, which governs Felts Field on the east edge of Spokane and Spokane International Airport west of the city, is expected to approve the bid later this month, says Todd Woodard, a spokesman for the airports.

Including the recently completed first phase, the total project cost would come to $5.4 million.

Work on the second phase is expected to begin in May 2013 and to be completed in late summer, Woodard says. That portion of the project will include resurfacing the concrete ramp running about 800 feet along Taxilane A from west of the Flight Standards district office to where the first phase left off.

Another part of that phase will include constructing a reconfigured intersection where three taxiways come together southwest of the smaller of the two runways at Felts Field.

The second phase also will include constructing additional drainage around a self-fuel facility there, and installing a new conduit, called a duct bank, that will carry electrical infrastructure to some structures in the project area, Woodard says.

The third phase, which is expected to begin in May 2014, will resume reconstructing the concrete paving ramp running another 800 feet along Taxiway A, west of the second-phase ramp construction. That phase, which is included in the bid, is expected to cost about $1 million.

The runway will remain open during the second and third phases of construction, Woodard says.

The first and second phases of the project were funded through the federal Airport Improvement Program. The program's funding for the third phase is pending, Woodard says.

L&L Cargile also was the contractor on the $1.4 million first phase of the project, which it completed this month. That project included reconstructing a section of the general aviation ramp running some 750 feet west of the second-phase project, also along Taxiway A.

Other contractors that bid on the second and third phases included Half Moon Construction & Leasing Inc. and Acme Concrete Paving Inc., with respective bids of $4.38 million and $4.4 million.