Spokane Journal of Business
—Momentum Architecture
—Momentum Architecture

Work starts on upscale Cd'A apartment complex

$7 million, 47-unit project to include three structures

January 18, 2018
—Momentum Architecture

Construction has started on a new apartment complex at 821 E. Mullan, in Coeur d’Alene, says Neil Muehlhausen, project manager with the general contractor, Spokane-based Yost Gallagher Construction LLC.

Called The Lake Apartments, the complex will have 47 living units and about 45,700 square feet of space across three buildings. Two of those buildings will be three stories tall, and the third will be two stories, says Muehlhausen.

He estimates the construction cost to be about $7 million. The buildings will contain 20, 14, and 13 units, respectively.

The rentals, which will be marketed to middle-income and upper-income potential tenants, will range in size from studio units to larger spaces with three bedrooms.

The three apartment buildings will be connected via an enclosed skywalk, he says.

“You can actually walk through all three buildings without going outside,” Muehlhausen says.

The complex will also have onsite parking, he says. The buildings’ exteriors will include metal siding and concrete elements that resemble wood siding.

The project site on a half-block of land at the northeast corner of Eighth Street and Mullan Avenue, across Eighth from the Coeur d’Alene Public Library.

Construction is expected to be completed in February or March of 2019, Muehlhausen says.

Hamilton, Mont.-based CDA Partners Mullan LLC is the project developer, and Coeur d’Alene-based Momentum Architecture designed it.

Other recent and current Yost Gallagher Construction projects include the School House Lofts project, in Cheney; the Aspen Dental office, in Coeur d’Alene; the Wonder Bread bakery building development, in Spokane; and various smaller projects around Gonzaga University, says Muehlhausen.