15th annual Fall Festival of Homes kicks off this weekend
Local builders spotlight 30 newly-constructed homes throughout county
The Spokane Home Builders Association is holding its 15th annual Fall Festival of Homes over the next two weekends.
SHBA executive officer Joel White says the festival will feature 30 homes newly constructed by 19 different builders throughout the greater Spokane area, from Deer Park to the South Hill and from Liberty Lake to Cheney.
From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Sept. 27-29 and Oct. 4-6, the homes will be open to the public as part of the free event. Homes by Kuntz Construction won’t be open on Sundays, White says.
Host sites this year are Windsor Estates, in north Spokane; Trutina at River District, in Liberty Lake; Twisted Willows, on the South Hill; Deer Park Meadows, in Deer Park; Elk Ridge Heights, in Spokane Valley; and Fairway Greens, on the West Plains.
Host sites will offer tour programs describing features and details of each home.
Homes featured in the festival range in price from $190,000 to $1.15 million.
“We have homes in numerous different neighborhoods at home prices that meet the market demand for all different home buyers in Spokane for new construction,” White says.
One of the homes was constructed as a result of efforts between Habitat for Humanity, SHBA members, and Viking Homes, White says.
“We’ve always been partners with Habitat for Humanity and have helped in different ways. About 10 years ago, we built a triplex for them near Felts Field,” White says. “We’d been talking about it for a couple of years. We felt it was time.”
Builders and developers include Viking Homes, Bella Terra Garden Homes, Greenstone Corp., and Lexington Homes by D.R. Horton.