Spokane Journal of Business

2024 People of Influence: STCU Chief Marketing Officer Marty Dickinson

February 1, 2024

Education: bachelor's degree in communication, Washington State University. 

What's the best piece of advice you've been given? Talk less and listen more. Both are a constant work in progress. 

What drives you or inspires you? I am a competitive person by nature, and I'm always looking for the next big project or challenge to tackle. I am inspired by being a part of something that brings lasting change or impact. Sharing in the leadership on the WSU Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, the Spokane Podium, and ONE Spokane Stadium, the passing of two CVSD school bonds, and the LaunchNW scholarships are all examples of what keeps me engaged and coming back. 

If you had to choose an alternative career path and money wasn't relevant, what would you do? I think I would like to be a florist and professional Christmas tree decorator. Flowers, ornaments, Christmas trees, wrapping presents, and giving gifts bring me much joy and happiness. 

If you had one wish for Spokane, what would it be? My wish for Spokane is for it to realize its full potential as a vibrant, safe, smart, savvy, and special place to live, work, and play. My wish for Spokane is to be better at collaboration and partnership and stop the ongoing redundancy efforts and diluting of resources. My wish for Spokane is to think big and act different. 

Spokane native Marty Dickinson has over 25 years of experience in marketing, branding, communications, and organizational management experience.

She is also a passionate community and business development advocate. In addition to taking a leadership role in some of the initiative mentioned above, Dickinson is on the Board of Regents for Washington State University and on board of directors for the Spokane Public Facilities District, both of which she's chaired in recent years.