Spokane Journal of Business

Rathdrum battery maker touting 'eco-friendly' line

Venom buys offset credits to be able to label batteries as carbon-neutral product

October 29, 2009

Venom Group International, a Rathdrum, Idaho-based battery maker, says it's relaunching its line of consumer electronics batteries under the name Venom Power Eco Alkaline, after deciding to buy carbon offsets to get the batteries certified as carbon neutral.

Chad Geissler, media and promotions manager for Venom Group, says the line of batteries have been sold under the Venom name for some time, and "are a strong seller for us," but now will carry the Eco Alkaline name and a carbon-neutral certification from Carbonfund.org.

The batteries, available in standard AAA, AA, C, D, and 9-volt sizes, haven't changed in chemical makeup, Geissler says. Rather, the product received the certification from Carbonfund.org, a nonprofit climate-change focused organization, which supports a rainforest reforestation project that will reconnect biological corridors along Nicaragua's Pacific coast, the company says.

Buying such carbon offsets enable individuals and businesses to make up for carbon dioxide emissions they are responsible for by supporting third-party validated renewable-energy, energy-efficiency, and reforestation projects. Carbonfund.org has more than 450,000 supporters and 1,200 business and organizational partners.

Eric Carlson, the nonprofit's president, says, "Venom's Eco Alkaline batteries provide an important and dependable alternative for consumers in the battery market."

Says Venom Group President Clint Bower, "Consumers are choosing Earth-friendly, sustainable products or those that reduce environmental impact over traditional alternatives."

Along with alkaline batteries for consumer electronics, Venom Group specializes in the design and manufacture of battery chargers and battery-powered radio-controlled hobby vehicles and electronics and accessories.

The company, which contracts out its manufacturing in China and the Philippines, is located at 14028 N. Ohio, in Rathdrum, where it leases about 25,000 square feet of floor space and employs 19 people, Geissler says. It employs 40 people worldwide.

The Venom Power Eco Alkaline batteries are being shipped to retailers throughout North America during the fourth quarter this year, Geissler says. They're also available for purchase on the Internet.

Venom, which also has offices in Australia and China, says its products are sold in more than 40 countries.

The company started as a manufacturer of radio-controlled hobby products about eight years ago and also made accessories and batteries for hobby cars, planes, and boats, says Geissler.

He says all of Venom's design and research and development occurs in Rathdrum.