Spokane Journal of Business

Two SBIP projects to begin

Crown West spec structure, new quarters for Chipman to cost total of $5.3 million

February 26, 1997

Work is scheduled to start this week on two office-and-warehouse buildings, worth a combined about $5.3 million, in the Spokane Business & Industrial Park, in the Spokane Valley.

Crown West Realty LLC, the 600-acre parks Spokane-based owner and operator, is beginning construction of a $4 million, 82,000-square-foot building at 16125 E. Euclid, just west of the companys most recently developed building, a 105,000-square-foot structure it completed in late 2000.

Also, Chipman Moving & Storage (Spokane) Inc., has bought about an acre along Marietta Avenue, south of the Crown West project, and is breaking ground on a $1.3 million, 30,000-square-foot building there.

Vandervert Construction Inc., of Spokane, is the general contractor on both projects. Vandervert project manager Tim Stulc says both buildings are scheduled to be completed in August.

Rob Gragg, vice president of Crown West, says the company is building its office-and-warehouse structure speculatively, but is in negotiations with a potential tenant thats interested in leasing about 40 percent of the space there. He declines for now to disclose further details about that prospective transaction.

Crown West first disclosed plans to construct the new building last fall.

Russell C. Page Architects, of Spokane, is the architect on the project, Gragg says.

Stulc says the new Chipman building will include a mix of office space and high-ceilinged warehouse space and will allow the moving company to house all of its operations in one structure.

Chipmans operations are located in several buildings at 407 N. Thierman, near Interstate 90 in the Valley.

Lindquist Architects, of Spokane, designed that structure.